Run Fatboy Run

Finally springtime .... and finally warm enough to run again. Sandy and I started a training regime last June with the Couch-to-5k program (c25k if you're cool). First time we ran last June, it was run for a minute, walk for a minute, so on and so forth for twenty minutes. We both felt like we were going to die after that. By September, we both were able to complete the 5k Great Race. Then wedding planning and so forth consumed our lives for every spare moment. I think we ran only once or twice before celebrating our fourth day of marriage by doing the Turkey Trot togetheron Thanksgiving (which didn't go so great, though we finished that too). Then nothing til a few weeks ago.

Tonight was our longest run yet this season. I parked my car at Sandy's work and we both ran up Morewood to Ellsworth to Negley to Bryant to where she usually parks her car for the day (she takes the bus the rest of the way in to avoid ridiculous CMU parking prices). It was almost exactly 3 miles in all and we're guessing took a shade less than 40 minutes (hey I never said we were fast. I'm built more for comfort than for speed). We're still in the getting-back-into-shape stage so it was a run/walk mix. I personally was fairly beat by the end but felt great!

Sandy's running in the Pittsburgh Marathon next week as part of a relay team. She's hoping to do the East End leg, so if you're being a spectator, be sure to cheer her on! After that we're planning to both do the Race for the Cure on Mother's Day. After that ... well, who knows? Sandy has said she wants to train to do up to a 10k by the time the Great Race rolls around again. I'm not sold on the idea yet, but I do enjoy chasing her around, so just maybe.

Just loving the exercise and giving the ol' legs a great stretch after being stuck in a cubicle 10-plus hours a day.

1 Response to "Run Fatboy Run"

  1. Unknown says:
    April 21, 2010 at 7:41 AM

    Even a "flat" three miles is pretty impressive, but I know Pittsburgh has a LOT of inclines, so you guys really made good time and got quite a workout. But it must be SO TEMPTING to hit the Ben and Jerry's after that! Keep up the running, and the blogging.

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