Jesse Tree Day 10

Today's Symbol: A Lamb
Today's Verses: Exod 12:1-14:31
Today's Theme: Passover and the Exodus

The story for tonight was about God preparing to get the Isreaelite people out of Pharaoh's land and I'm going to start it out with a bit from yesterday's story, which was about Moses's life, from birth until God spoke to him through the burning bush. You ready? (
I'm in a silly mood

Well a burnin' bush told me just the other day
That I should come over here and stay
Gotta get my people out of Pharaoh's hand
And lead them all to the promised land.
I said, …

Pharaoh, Pharaoh
oooh baby,
let my people go
Ooh-ah, ya ya ya ya

So Pharaoh says yes, then he says no, and the plagues happen. And finally after the first born of all the houses and of all the animals in Egypt were killed, except for the Israelites, who were passed over because they put lambs blood on their doors, Pharaoh said to go. He followed them though to the Red Sea where the Israelites had already started to cross.

Well-a Pharaoh's army is a comin' too

So what do you think that I did do

I raised my rod and cleared my throat
And all of Pharaoh's army did the dead man's float. I said,

Pharaoh, Pharaoh
oooh baby,
let my people go
Ooh-ah, ya ya ya ya

I'm finding it interesting how every set of stories for the Jesse Tree seems to have theme (first the whole people screw up but God still loves them stories, then the if you do what I ask, I will reward you stories.) The Israelites were slaves to Egypt for 470 years before Moses and Aaron came along. And then they still had to be put through tough times and were given new rules (the rules of Passover, which I didn't get into) and yet they were still faithful, at least to Moses, who was putting his faith in God that they would get out of Egypt, and they were rewarded with their freedom.

How often do we just give up when things get tough? I sort of relate this to running. When I've run too hard too fast and I end up walking the last part of a run, I always wish that I would have just stuck with the run, made my self push through, to have to reward of running a full 3 miles non stop. Where would the Israelites be if they had just said "Eh, Pharaoh keeps saying no, let's just stay here." (Okay they'd still be in Egypt, but you get the point!) Another way that I relate to this is that a few years ago, I pretty much hated my job. Loved the kids, but was miserable. Had I just up and quit, I'd probably be at some day care making kids do craft projects and worksheets all day long. I stuck with it though, switched age groups and became a much happier person who kind of looked forward to going to work everyday.

Where would you be if you'd just given up?

PS Pharaoh, Pharaoh used to be one of my favorite camp songs!
PPS Sorry for the weird format tonight.

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