Jesse Tree Day Three

So, apparently I'm not on top of this blogging thing, I've got three to write tonight to get caught up! The third day of the Jesse Tree is the story of the first sin. I wasn't sure what to write about, but the good thing about taking so long to write it is that I had a chance to talk to Russ about his thoughts on the story. We all know the story right:

God created the earth and streams sprang up from the ground to provide water since no rain had been sent. The God gathered some dust and created a form of a man and blew life into him. He put this man into the garden that he created, Eden. It was filled with trees to provide beauty and food, with one tree in the middle of the garden that was not to be eaten from. God set Adam out to care for the land. He decided that man should have a companion and created the animals, which Adam named, but did not find a compainion. God took one of his ribs and formed it into a woman, Eve. Adam and Eve lived in the garden hanging out, naked and happy, enjoying each other a God, until one day...when the serpent appeared. He met Eve in the garden and convinced her to eat the fruit from the tree in the center of the garden. After eating it the humans realized they were naked and became ashamed and hid from god. God gets mad that they disobayed Him and punishes both the humans and the snake. The snake is made the lowest of the animals, and A&E are kicked out of the garden and Eve goes and gets women cursed for all times.

I was telling Russ that I wasn't sure what to write about for this day and we started talking about how God is all knowing and knows everything we will do before we do it. So if this is true, he knew even before He created Adam, that humans were going to go and mess everything up. And he still creates humans! He knew that the very first people that He created were going to go and mess it up for every one there after, but he still did it! I probably would not have. I probably would have said, "I set up this amazing world, it's perfect and I don't want anyone to mess it up. I'll bet that these two people are going to go and screw something up, so maybe I just won't make them and keep the place looking good." (And I probably have thought this about things that I've set up at work, planned out an activity then decide not to do it based on one or two children that end up in my group.) But, again, here we are a very, very, long time later, still screwing up the world, and God goes a head and let's us do it, lets us make mistakes and learn from them, and still loves us the same.

As I'm writing this, I'm also checking out a devotional for parents ( and for today it also references a few verses in Romans. The summary of these verses (because I don't really want to copy and paste huge sections of the Bible here) is there is death and judgement because of Adam's sins, but Christ's one act of righteousness saved us all. (The whole passage is Roman's 5:12-21)

Today's symbol is the apple :

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