Jesse Tree Day 10

Today's Symbol: A Lamb
Today's Verses: Exod 12:1-14:31
Today's Theme: Passover and the Exodus

The story for tonight was about God preparing to get the Isreaelite people out of Pharaoh's land and I'm going to start it out with a bit from yesterday's story, which was about Moses's life, from birth until God spoke to him through the burning bush. You ready? (
I'm in a silly mood

Well a burnin' bush told me just the other day
That I should come over here and stay
Gotta get my people out of Pharaoh's hand
And lead them all to the promised land.
I said, …

Pharaoh, Pharaoh
oooh baby,
let my people go
Ooh-ah, ya ya ya ya

So Pharaoh says yes, then he says no, and the plagues happen. And finally after the first born of all the houses and of all the animals in Egypt were killed, except for the Israelites, who were passed over because they put lambs blood on their doors, Pharaoh said to go. He followed them though to the Red Sea where the Israelites had already started to cross.

Well-a Pharaoh's army is a comin' too

So what do you think that I did do

I raised my rod and cleared my throat
And all of Pharaoh's army did the dead man's float. I said,

Pharaoh, Pharaoh
oooh baby,
let my people go
Ooh-ah, ya ya ya ya

I'm finding it interesting how every set of stories for the Jesse Tree seems to have theme (first the whole people screw up but God still loves them stories, then the if you do what I ask, I will reward you stories.) The Israelites were slaves to Egypt for 470 years before Moses and Aaron came along. And then they still had to be put through tough times and were given new rules (the rules of Passover, which I didn't get into) and yet they were still faithful, at least to Moses, who was putting his faith in God that they would get out of Egypt, and they were rewarded with their freedom.

How often do we just give up when things get tough? I sort of relate this to running. When I've run too hard too fast and I end up walking the last part of a run, I always wish that I would have just stuck with the run, made my self push through, to have to reward of running a full 3 miles non stop. Where would the Israelites be if they had just said "Eh, Pharaoh keeps saying no, let's just stay here." (Okay they'd still be in Egypt, but you get the point!) Another way that I relate to this is that a few years ago, I pretty much hated my job. Loved the kids, but was miserable. Had I just up and quit, I'd probably be at some day care making kids do craft projects and worksheets all day long. I stuck with it though, switched age groups and became a much happier person who kind of looked forward to going to work everyday.

Where would you be if you'd just given up?

PS Pharaoh, Pharaoh used to be one of my favorite camp songs!
PPS Sorry for the weird format tonight.

Jesse Tree Day Seven

Today's Symbol: A sack of grain

Today's Verses: Genesis 37, 39:1-50:21

Today's Theme: God's Providence

I know I've skipped a few days, and maybe I'll be able to get back to those days at some point, but I'm not going to sweat it. The first three stories of this project were, at least to me, about how no matter how people mess things up, God still cares about and loves them. The stories that I missed were about Sarah and Abraham, Abraham sacrificing Isaac, and Jacob leaving his family and tonight's story is about Jacob's son Joseph. All three of these stories are about people that listened to God, and good things happened to them.

I have always liked the story of Joseph, I remember reading about it in my children's story Bible, and then I discovered Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dream Coat, and most recently the Red Tent, which is not actually about Joseph so much as it is about his sister Dinah. Any way, after reading The Red Tent, I went back and read the story in the Bible to see how much it was the same. Not much is, but it was still interesting to see how they were similar.

Anyway, I was thinking as I re-read the story of Joseph, about how bad things happened to Joseph (his brothers practically killed him then sold him as a slave, he got accused of adultery and then spent years in prison) and he never really gave up his faith, and just kept listening to God as he talked to him through dreams, which ended up leading to good things for Joseph (getting out of prison, becoming pharos right hand man, become a leader himself.) I kind of wonder how often we are listening, or not listening, to what God has to say to us, There are times in my life that it's quite obvious when God's speaking to me, but more often than not I just don't slow down and take a moment to listen.

And now that I've written not so much about God's providence but my own ramblings, I'll also share you with a related song. Sara Grove's Hello Lord is a song that I think describes how many of us feel about listening for God.

Hello Lord, it's me your child. I have a few things on my mind. Right now I'm faced with big decisions, and I'm wondering if you have a minute. . Chorus: Right now I don't hear so well and I was wondering if you could speak up. I know that you tore the veil so I could sit with you in person and hear what you're saying, but right now, I just can't hear you. . I don't doubt your sovereignty, I doubt my own ability to hear what you're saying and to do the right thing, and I desperately want to do the right thing. . Chorus . Somewhere in the back of my mind I think you are telling me to wait, and though patience has never been mine, Lord I will wait to hear from you. . Chorus

Jesse Tree Day Five...or maybe not

I haven't forgotten about this! there were a couple of nights this week where i'd get home at 10 and just be so beat that i'd go right to bed. Hopefully I'll get caught up this weekend, because, I'm about to head to bed!

Jesse Tree Day Four

Todays Symbol: The Ark

Today's Verses: Gen 6:11-22,7:17-8:12, 9:8-17

I've been using the TNIV and Message versions of the Bible for this and for the first verse from Genesis I looked at the TNIV and it starts out "Now the earth was corrupt." Now, I have no idea how many years have passed between the garden of Eden and the day that Noah was asked to build the ark (I googled it...) but I know that Noah was 500 years old at the time. So we're talking probably thousands of years where humans were screwing things up. It almost seems at this point that God is just going to finally get ticked at people and wipe them all out. But there was Noah. Noah was a good man and God thought that he should build an ark, which by the way is about 4 times as long as my church about 5 as wide and a whole lot taller, which would fit Noah, his sons, and their wives, plus two of every animal. Once that was done the earth was pretty much wiped out. How's that for a loving God?

Have you noticed that every night so far, it's been the same thing? People mess up and God still wants to take care of them. And we have the promise that another flood like that will never happen again.

Jesse Tree Day Three

So, apparently I'm not on top of this blogging thing, I've got three to write tonight to get caught up! The third day of the Jesse Tree is the story of the first sin. I wasn't sure what to write about, but the good thing about taking so long to write it is that I had a chance to talk to Russ about his thoughts on the story. We all know the story right:

God created the earth and streams sprang up from the ground to provide water since no rain had been sent. The God gathered some dust and created a form of a man and blew life into him. He put this man into the garden that he created, Eden. It was filled with trees to provide beauty and food, with one tree in the middle of the garden that was not to be eaten from. God set Adam out to care for the land. He decided that man should have a companion and created the animals, which Adam named, but did not find a compainion. God took one of his ribs and formed it into a woman, Eve. Adam and Eve lived in the garden hanging out, naked and happy, enjoying each other a God, until one day...when the serpent appeared. He met Eve in the garden and convinced her to eat the fruit from the tree in the center of the garden. After eating it the humans realized they were naked and became ashamed and hid from god. God gets mad that they disobayed Him and punishes both the humans and the snake. The snake is made the lowest of the animals, and A&E are kicked out of the garden and Eve goes and gets women cursed for all times.

I was telling Russ that I wasn't sure what to write about for this day and we started talking about how God is all knowing and knows everything we will do before we do it. So if this is true, he knew even before He created Adam, that humans were going to go and mess everything up. And he still creates humans! He knew that the very first people that He created were going to go and mess it up for every one there after, but he still did it! I probably would not have. I probably would have said, "I set up this amazing world, it's perfect and I don't want anyone to mess it up. I'll bet that these two people are going to go and screw something up, so maybe I just won't make them and keep the place looking good." (And I probably have thought this about things that I've set up at work, planned out an activity then decide not to do it based on one or two children that end up in my group.) But, again, here we are a very, very, long time later, still screwing up the world, and God goes a head and let's us do it, lets us make mistakes and learn from them, and still loves us the same.

As I'm writing this, I'm also checking out a devotional for parents ( and for today it also references a few verses in Romans. The summary of these verses (because I don't really want to copy and paste huge sections of the Bible here) is there is death and judgement because of Adam's sins, but Christ's one act of righteousness saved us all. (The whole passage is Roman's 5:12-21)

Today's symbol is the apple :

Jesse Tree Day Two

Since the theme of the Jesse Tree is how God has shown his faithfulness to His people through out the Old Testament, it only makes sense to start with the creation of people. I really liked the Message translation of today's verses, Genesis 1:26-31

26-28 God spoke: "Let us make human beings in our image, make them
reflecting our nature
So they can be responsible for the fish in the sea,
the birds in the air, the cattle,
And, yes, Earth itself,
and every animal that moves on the face of Earth."
God created human beings;
he created them godlike,
Reflecting God's nature.
He created them male and female.
God blessed them:
"Prosper! Reproduce! Fill Earth! Take charge!
Be responsible for fish in the sea and birds in the air,
for every living thing that moves on the face of Earth."

29-30 Then God said, "I've given you
every sort of seed-bearing plant on Earth
And every kind of fruit-bearing tree,
given them to you for food.
To all animals and all birds,
everything that moves and breathes,
I give whatever grows out of the ground for food."
And there it was.

31 God looked over everything he had made;
it was so good, so very good!
It was evening, it was morning—
Day Six.

Two things really strike me in this translation, first that we're responsible for everything on this Earth. Yeah, we all know this, right? But to see it put like that:
"God blessed them:"Prosper! Reproduce! Fill Earth! Take charge!
Be responsible for fish in the sea and birds in the air,
for every living thing that moves on the face of Earth."

We have been blessed to take care of the Earth and everything on it, and I know that most of us do and if we could all get one person who doesn't to do one thing, it would make a big difference, all the little things add it. One of the things that has made me really happy over the past few school years is that my school is making an effort to use less paper by laminating daily forms and using the same form everyday, we've also condensed these forms to make less of them. I can't say for sure, but I can imagine that these two things have cut back on a bit of paper consumption.

The second thing that stood out to me was the last verse:
31 God looked over everything he had made;
it was so good, so very good!
It was evening, it was morning—
Day Six.

We are so very good in God's eyes! Even when we're screwing up (which of course hadn't happened at this point and is actually tomorrow's topic) but He doesn't care! He's willing to forgive and forgive and forgive, as many times as we need it, because we're good, so very good to Him. There's a song by David Crowder (and I'm sure many other's but I happen to have the DC version) Everything Glorious and the chorus is "You make everything glorious, and I am yours." Sometimes it's hard for me to believe that I'm right up there with the Grand Canyon or a beach sunset, or what ever people find glorious.

So they symbol for day two of The Jesse Tree is the dove, not the symbol that I would imagine, but Russ's input is:
"The creation as God intended is to live in peace, so the dove as the symbol of creation as God originally intended." (And if I misquoted him, I'm sure he'll reply!)

Jesse Tree

So, I love Advent and Christmas. I've been secretly listening to Christmas music since October, and not so secretly for the past few weeks. I wanted to do an advent calendar but all the ones that we've seen were too commercial, or had santa all over them. While I love giving (and yes, getting) gifts, I hate that Christmas has become all about waiting...for Santa to come. Yes, we're waiting, but we're waiting for Jesus and waiting to celebrate his birth, not some fat old man with a sack of gifts. Then I remembered having dinner at the Woodworth's house a few years ago and and they had a Jesse Tree, which I thought at the time was pretty neat, and then kinda forgot about until the other day. I had wanted to try to make one to do a little bit with my niece, but seeing as it was Wednesday when I thought of it and she was coming Wednesday night, it wasn't going to happen!
I thought though, that I would still like to do one, but haven't found a pattern for one, so I would do a virtual Jesse Tree instead.

The idea of the Jesse Tree comes from Isaiah 11:1-10:
The Branch From Jesse
A shoot will come up from the stump of Jesse;
from his roots a Branch will bear fruit.
The Spirit of the LORD will rest on him—
the Spirit of wisdom and of understanding,
the Spirit of counsel and of might,
the Spirit of the knowledge and fear of the LORD—
and he will delight in the fear of the LORD.
He will not judge by what he sees with his eyes,
or decide by what he hears with his ears;
but with righteousness he will judge the needy,
with justice he will give decisions for the poor of the earth.
He will strike the earth with the rod of his mouth;
with the breath of his lips he will slay the wicked.
Righteousness will be his belt
and faithfulness the sash around his waist.
The wolf will live with the lamb,
the leopard will lie down with the goat,
the calf and the lion and the yearling together;
and a little child will lead them.
The cow will feed with the bear,
their young will lie down together,
and the lion will eat straw like the ox.
The infant will play near the cobra’s den,
the young child will put its hand into the viper’s nest.
They will neither harm nor destroy
on all my holy mountain,
for the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the LORD
as the waters cover the sea
In that day the Root of Jesse will stand as a banner for the peoples; the nations will rally to him, and his resting place will be glorious.

The branch out of the stump is a symbol of hope out of discouragement. It's also seen as a way to connect the stories of the Old Testament to the story of Christmas,showing God's faithfulness throughout the years while waiting for the Messiah to come.

The first symbol is the tree:

The second verse that goes a long with the tree is 1 Samuel 16:1-13

Samuel Anoints David
1 The LORD said to Samuel, “How long will you mourn for Saul, since I have rejected him as king over Israel? Fill your horn with oil and be on your way; I am sending you to Jesse of Bethlehem. I have chosen one of his sons to be king.”

2 But Samuel said, “How can I go? If Saul hears about it, he will kill me.”

The LORD said, “Take a heifer with you and say, ‘I have come to sacrifice to the LORD.’ 3 Invite Jesse to the sacrifice, and I will show you what to do. You are to anoint for me the one I indicate.”

4 Samuel did what the LORD said. When he arrived at Bethlehem, the elders of the town trembled when they met him. They asked, “Do you come in peace?”

5 Samuel replied, “Yes, in peace; I have come to sacrifice to the LORD. Consecrate yourselves and come to the sacrifice with me.” Then he consecrated Jesse and his sons and invited them to the sacrifice.

6 When they arrived, Samuel saw Eliab and thought, “Surely the LORD’s anointed stands here before the LORD.”

7 But the LORD said to Samuel, “Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The LORD does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.”

8 Then Jesse called Abinadab and had him pass in front of Samuel. But Samuel said, “The LORD has not chosen this one either.” 9 Jesse then had Shammah pass by, but Samuel said, “Nor has the LORD chosen this one.” 10 Jesse had seven of his sons pass before Samuel, but Samuel said to him, “The LORD has not chosen these.” 11 So he asked Jesse, “Are these all the sons you have?”

“There is still the youngest,” Jesse answered. “He is tending the sheep.”

Samuel said, “Send for him; we will not sit down until he arrives.”

12 So he sent for him and had him brought in. He was glowing with health and had a fine appearance and handsome features.

Then the LORD said, “Rise and anoint him; this is the one.”

13 So Samuel took the horn of oil and anointed him in the presence of his brothers, and from that day on the Spirit of the LORD came powerfully upon David. Samuel then went to Ramah.

I'm not the writer of this family, maybe I'll get Russ to write a couple of these, but I hope to get through the whole thing during Advent!

hey look! a blog post!

Hello my few dedicated followers, most (if not all) of whom are related to me. We haven't done much blog-worthy recently (I'm not sure if we ever really do, honestly) but Sandy's right, I should try and write more, whatever it is, so I'm going to *try* and be better at this.

Anyways, this whole BP thing ... yikes. I read somewhere that if BP had invested in a roughly $500k sonar detector designed to shut down oil rigs in case of imminent leaks, this could have been avoided. I'm guessing with record profits for the oil industry over the past few years, BP coulda shaken a few couches and checked under the car seats for a little change to cover that. Major fail on their part. Aside from failed cleanup attempts and reading about environmental effects (and for great bedtime stories, you can read about what could happen if a hurricane hits the oil in the gulf), I find it's pretty interesting how it's being covered in the media at large. Of course, BP has taken a beating, and deservedly so, and even without disasters like this, oil companies generally aren't liked all that much (see: record profits and $3 or $4 gallon gas). But let's read a little story.

Presidential candidate receives loads of campaign money from an oil company. The candidate goes on to win the presidency. After being in office for a while, despite his former candidate being widely detracted for holding similar views, he starts pushing for offshore drilling expansion. A few weeks after that, that major oil company who supported his campaign has an offshore oil rig basically blow up and leak oil everywhere causing an environmental nightmare which also impacts the industry of an entire region. And the president? He does nothing but stand back, make a press conference or two, slide back from openly supporting offshore drilling at such a politically inopportune time, and basically twiddle his thumbs over the whole matter until he feels greatly pushed into that role by an increasing outcrying public.

This is not to condemn the actions taken (or not) by Barack Obama. I'm not entirely sure what a president *should* (much less *can* do) in a matter like this, where the bulk of the blame lies on a private enterprise. There's not a direct correlation between this matter, and say, Hurricane Katrina. But just imagine for a moment what the media coverage and public outcry, particularly in online blogs and commentaries, would have been if, say, GW was still president. It would have been ugly and full of vicious attacks both politically and personally. Obama? Well, he's not exactly getting a free pass, but it seems fairly mild to me at least.

I guess it's interesting to see how much perspective on something can be changed simply by the fact if one of the principle characters is generally liked or not. I know this is a sweeping generalization, but the media more or less likes Obama, while they more or less hated Bush. I don't think the same questions are being asked of Obama as they would have of Bush. The analysis seems to shift more blame to the Big Bad Oil Company (and probably rightfully so) and give the president more of a free pass. People who question the president's role and (lack of) actions (I don't listen to them, but I assume the usual chorus of Beck and Limbaugh and the like) seem to written off as right wing nuts and not having a valid point to make on this matter.

From the official White House webpage, Obama is meeting with his newly minted Oil Spill Commission with set goal of "pledging accountability for BP and government officials who have been too cozy with the oil industry over the years." Bush was certainly accused of that, and I would be surprised to see his name bandied about once again before this whole mess is over with. But let's not forget, Obama is one of the "too cozy" politicians too, and with his stated pledge of transparency to the American public during his inauguration, I hope he doesn't forget that either.

Alleluia by and by ...

I am not all that well experienced with grief stemming from the loss of a loved one. I have had some great aunts and uncles pass away, some great grandparents when I was younger, a friend of a friend, etc, but no one I considered myself to be overly close with or some one who I considered to have played a major role in my life.

Until yesterday.

My grandmother (who we have always very affectionately called Granny) passed away yesterday morning after a long battle with multiple sclerosis and osteoporosis, among other ailments. It's tough to sort out how I feel about this, especially since it is dealing with personal grief for the first time. On one hand, it is certainly tough knowing that I have seen her for the last time here, and knowing how much she has meant to everyone in our family, myself included. On the other, to know that she is at a place where she can finally experience rest and renewed completeness is a blessing. One of the images that has lifted my spirits over the past 36 hours or so is that of her and her husband, Irwin (who died in 1980 before I was born) laughing and dancing in heaven, joyful in being reunited once more, her body no longer weighed down by broken down bones and muscles but instead renewed and made perfect.

There are many things I will remember about her. The last time I saw her was Easter weekend after hearing things were progressing for the worse. I have learned over the past few years when visiting to not ask how she is - not because she would complain, per se, but it''d be a more pleasant visit for her to hear how things were going for us rather than for us to focus on her. She was faint of voice but still listening intently as I rattled on about the honeymoon, first few months of marriage, new job, etc, and happened to mention something about doing something with some friends. She kind of visibly perked up for the first time, opened her eyes slowly and whispered the question, "Do you consider me to be your friend?" I was taken back for a few seconds by this, and the only way I could think to answer her was by sharing all of my favorite memories of the two of us with her, like:

- If you didn't know, she lived with my family until I was, I don't know, 12 or 13 or so. My parents converted a one-car garage into a pretty nice little "in-law suite" connected to our house via the laundry room.
- Growing up I wandered over to her "side of the house" to play games - so many games of Yahtzee and Parcheesi, as I grew older, Scrabble. She never let me quite win but always willing to bend the rules a little bit for me. She let me return letters and redo turns just so I could make big point moves like "diet."
- She loved the Phillies even though they were pretty horrible for a long time. I would watch many games with her, get frustrated by them losing, just for her to say "Just wait, it's not over yet." I think it's because of her that baseball has become my favorite sport. She loved Harry Kalas and a lot of the players - Pat Burrell has lost the biggest fan he has ever had.
- I remember she had a pet canary or something of the sort and I helped her clean its cage every so often. While doing so she would put the canary in a shoe box and close it. When you're seven, this is hilarious - who puts a bird in a shoe box? We would both laugh about it while layering down some fresh newspaper.
- When she was more mobile, she had a motorized scooter/wheelchair she could take out and about. We would go around the neighborhood, her on her scooter, me on my bike. Every once in a while we would get up to the end of our neighborhood onto a busier street I wasn't allowed to bike on yet. She would have me hide my bike under someones tree in their yard, I'd climb on her scooter and we'd go together to the Dairy Wagon up the road to get ice cream together, just the two of us.
_ I remember her going on vacation with us up to Vermont one summer.
- I remember being sad when we could no longer take care of her as her health declined and she moved into a nursing home.
- There were lots of great visits in the nursing home though. She kept on top of family news as best she could and always was interested in what we doing, whether it was middle school, high school, college, or beyond. She read a lot of the articles I wrote for the high school paper, and maybe some that I wrote for Penn State's Daily Collegian, too. I don't think she always understood what we were up to, but was pleased to hear that we excited about this or that, and happy that we thought to share it with her.
-I told her about Sandy before anyone else in my family (well, on that side of the state, anyways. Ben and Megan probably picked up on things a little before that!). Granny was at my mom and dad's house for a visit on a weekend I was home, perhaps for my cousin's wedding. It was right around when Sandy and I started dating (though we didn't dare call it that yet!). I told her that I was beginning to see this new, pretty girl who just so happened to bake a pretty darn cake, and that I was hoping it'd turn out to be something special. Well, it did! I remember going to see Granny after Sandy and I announced we were engaged. We made sure to keep it under wraps from family (aside from other immediate members) and gave her a picture of the two of us with the words "Engaged December 13, 2008" on it. I will never forget the look on her face - the surprise, the corners of her mouth forming a smile, her eyes glistening with tears. She was so happy, she even let us move the picture of Pat Burrell she had on her door so we could put it in its place (a pretty prime space of door real estate, optimal for viewing and sharing. We knew she was pretty happy and considered it a big deal when we could bump Pat down a spot or two!).

As great as all these memories are, I'll remember her for more than that. Granny is the shining example of faith that I have seen in my life. It would be pretty easy to say that she was dealt a tough hand of card in life - her various, debilitating ailments, a widow for 30 years, the struggles of helping raise a large family - but she wouldn't look at it that way. In everything, her faith was kept strong and strengthened. She often talked about God, and although I know she didn't always understand why she was going through this struggle or that challenge, she prayed continually and gave it over to God. She never once seemed bitter or angry about her life or situations - her faith was rock-solid and centered in God and situationally tossed around. A few years ago, when she had one of her healthscares where her outlook was questionable, I remember visiting her in the hospital. It was just the two of us after the others had said goodbye. She asked me to lean in and if I could do something for her. "Absolutely," I said. She asked me to keep praying for a specific someone very close and near and dear to her heart. This strikes me still - in the hospital, hooked up to machines, not sure what's going to happen, and instead of her focusing on herself ... she was thinking of those she loved, and was more concerned for them than she was for herself.

Granny, in case you're taking a break from dancing to catch up on blogs up in Heaven, I want you to know I love you and miss you. You mean a lot to me, and your faith inspires me to be rooted deeper in Christ, and to not be swayed by situations and doubts and fears. You are my friend but I consider you to be so much more. It is an honor to be your grandson, and I am so thankful for the memories and blessing you have given me. I hope to one day make half the impact on my family and descendants as you have made on yours, to be the shining example of purity of faith and humbleness at heart that you are. Your body may have betrayed you, but you have never betrayed your soul or your faith. I love you. Find peace and rest.

Eating locally, drinking globally

I've had something rolling around in my head the past day or so, and am trying to decide what I believe about it.

Until pretty recently, whenever I'd go grocery shopping, I'd pick up this, that or the other thing, whatever was on sale, basically, and not give it much thought. Through some conversations and reading some stuff (and Sandy's inherent love of anything farmer market-y), the two of us have begun exploring different local food options - i.e, local meat, produce, etc. I've raved once or twice about the local bacon we've bought at the farmer market here. We also got local eggs and ground turkey (which Sandy made into awesome meatballs tonight!). We have bought some produce from nearby farms at the market as well, which was pretty tasty as well. We considered getting a cropshare (or at least sharing one) this summer as well, but came to the realization it'd mean much more veggie eating than we've done, and not necessarily with veggies we're too familiar with. I think we're going to instead get the handful of stuff each week at the farmer market. But anyways, we like the idea of it - it seems to be healthier, higher quality stuff than the average grocery market fare, and although a little more expensive, it helps support the local economy and more money goes to the farmers and not some major corporation. In addition, there is less pollution caused by its transportation, and related to that, less preservatives/etc. to keep it "fresh" for as long as possible. In some ways it seems to be a more conscious decision in the way we choose to spend our money on our basic needs, and how that consumer decision affects others.

Last night at church, my friends Nick and Lauren shared about a recent trip to Mexico. In the town they were in, the main local industry was coffee bean harvesting. Apparently, the farmers would harvest then sell their beans to coffee roasters, who in turn would sell them for a much higher profit to different coffee companies. As a result, the farmers would make a small fraction of the possible profit off of the beans (I don't recall the exact figures they quoted, but I think it was somewhere in the 10% range, as in out of the total profit possible off the beans, the roasters would make 90% and the farmers 10%). Partially because of this, the local economy was struggling and saw a lot of population migrating north (illegally) to America. So there was an internationally and (for Americans at least) politically charged situation that was partially caused by coffee beans. However, one emerging company in the town took upon itself the roasting of the beans and selling to coffee companies, which effectively put more money into the local economy and created more jobs for residents, which was beginning to entice more people to stay. Nick and Lauren ended their presentation with an invite to anyone interested to buy some of their coffee (straight from the factory, I guess), as they were going to start coordinating efforts to do so. Sandy and I were both interested, as it seemed to be a conscious way to spend our money, this time on delicious, delicious coffee.

But I guess it brings up an interesting question: What makes buying some food from close to here and some from afar both "good" decisions? In some ways, coffee isn't the perfect example .... there's no coffee plants grown probably within a thousand miles of here, so there isn't the "local vs. global" question that you'd encounter with, say, apples, or meat product, or whatever else. I don't know what the answer is, except to know how you choose to spend money even on basic food has an impact far beyond your own wallet. For me, I am still working on answering the question, but for now at least, I feel at peace with buying what I can from local farms and sources, and if buying something from elsewhere, being more conscious of the ramifications of the decision.

I think either one of those options beat buying Valu-Time, anytime.

p.s. - Mom, I've thought more about our "Chilean grape farmers" conversation from a few weeks back, and it took some time, but I find your points "more valid" now as my thoughts are still evolving. I think I'd still buy PA grapes (if such things exist, I'm clueless) if given the choice, but our chat definitely was formative in my thoughts about this.

Our exciting weekend!

I exercised too many braincells and feel like I really didn't much talk about us in our last blog post .... and if it's supposed to be (at least occasionally) about us, well I figured maybe I'd write about our weekend. Not like it was terribly exciting but I think it was pretty decent.

Friday night we stayed up way too late watching movies. We're in the middle stage of things .... young enough to think starting a movie at midnight isn't too bad of an idea, but when it ends at 2am, we wonder what the heck we were thinking. Earlier in the evening I mowed the lawn with the old school rotary mower that our awesome neighbors Al and Beth gave us when the gas mower died. Mows like a champ! I don't why but I am very excited about this.

Anyways, Saturday morning after being up way too late, woke up and got our meat for the week from the farmer's market next to the East Lib Home Depot. Best bacon ever, and a pound of ground turkey. Also got some local eggs while we there. After we dropped that off at home, we went to do the Saturday soccer thing at Heths Run w/ Y.E.S. soccer. I coach/herd cats with the 5 and 6 year olds, and Sandy helps with registration/snacks/admin/etc stuff. Always a lot of fun, and for me at least I try to make sure the kids are having fun by being goofy with them and keeping them moving than actually enforcing strict soccer rules. Got some tasty pastries from a local bakery on the way home, and still recovering from a short night's sleep, took a nice afternoon nap. After that, we went to Sandy's cousin Deanna's son Evan's first birthday party. Cute little kid! Though I found out the hard way he doesn't like to be gently tossed up and down like most kids. Sandy had a babysitting job that night, so after the party when she left for that, I went home to do a little laundry and relaxing. My mind started wandering towards our summer vacation we are taking in August up to Boston and Maine, so I started looking into things and finally purchased Red Sox tickets for their August 3 game at Fenway. I've been wanting to go there for years and years, never have, and finally we're changing that this year! Kinda pricey, especially when you consider they're just bleacher seats, but what are you gonna do?

Sunday was somewhat more productive. I slept in nice and late. Sandy beat me out of bed by a good hour and began making homemade challah for communion bread for church. When we were awake enough and the bread dough needed to rise for a while, we headed out on a not-quite three mile run. Our route was from our house, down Jancey all the way to Stanton, then Negley to up and around the zoo back to our house. We both made a conscious effort to try and run and not walk as much as possible, and I think we were both pretty successful ... I walked only twice totaling less than 5 minutes after the initial warm-up walk. It was sunny and warm and perfect for running, and felt great to go out and do it. We got home, grabbed the dog and his leash and took a walk up to the Rite Aid in the neighborhood for a newspaper and some bread, and ran into and chatted with some friends on the way back. I made us some ridiculously good bacon and cheese omelets for brunch. After that, I focused on doing some laundry and laundry folding for a bit (yes, I'm a man who cooks and does laundry. Sandy is one lucky gal ;)) while listening to the Pirates game on the radio (predictable result, Pirates lost 10-3. They're beyond bad this year!). Also trimmed the front bushes and got the screen doors up - no more cold this spring (hopefully!). Sandy finished up the bread and sewed herself a purse from start to finish (great baker and learning to be a great seamstress! I too am pretty lucky). I had to go to church early to set up and run the visuals, so did that. Good service, with an especially interesting time of sharing from our friends Nick and Lauren about a missions trip they recently were on. After that, we did the usual Sunday night thing of going over to Ben and Megan's for dinner. Great cookout of burgers, dogs, veggies, potatoes and beer.Of course, got some quality time of playing with Joseph. He's turning into quite the crawler, and he definitely wants to walk. Sandy and I picked up the makings of one of our favorite desserts on the way over - vanilla ice cream with grilled pineapple and dulce de leche. Megan literally picked up and licked her bowl, it was so good. Megan's parents Don and Mickey were in town too and they seemed pretty happy with it.

All in all a pretty good weekend! Now if it weren't back to the cubicle for 10 hours tomorrow ....

Immigrant Song

So .... way to go, Arizona. Thanks.

Actually, I don't get the huge fuss about the new law that Arizona has passed. It's kind of funny, because I don't feel it should be a law anyways. Basically, it's saying if you're in the country (or in this case, Arizona) illegally, you are breaking the law. Duh. If you're here in the country legally, you have nothing to worry about, have proper ID and be prepared to present to authorities if asked .... which is pretty much required, anyways. And though no one likes to say it, illegal immigration is a huge problem that or country needs to address, only it is afraid to do so as it sets off a shitstorm of political correctness and moral handwringing. Listen, newsflash: Immigration itself is not illegal. There are legal opportunities for citizens of foreign countries to legally enter our country, and if they so choose, pursue legal citizenship status. There's nothing wrong with that - I, in fact, encourage it. But if people are in the country illegally, they are breaking the law of our country, and so country as mandated by its legal citizenship is required to act upon their crime. This is like saying we shouldn't legally punish other criminals. There are laws in our country that are enacted and should be enforced for our protection and, dare I say it, the protection of our resources. Immigration is not separate and immune from this. I would, in fact, say that illegal immigration is a tremendous threat to our security (who are these people? what are they bringing in?) while also being a drain on public resources (I see this firsthand every day with different state aid programs) and handicaps our society's abilities to ably serve its legal constituents (job and revenue opportunity lost to citizens) . So what's the big deals? Ah yeah, the "morals" of it ....

I found this quote through a friend's Facebook page, and I found it pretty interesting:

" Enforcement without compassion is immoral. Enforcement that breaks up families is unacceptable. And enforcement of this law would force us to violate our Christian conscience, which we simpl
y will not do. It makes it illegal to love your neighbor in Arizona." - Jim Wallis

I don't know much about Wallis or what he believes about things, generally. I know enough about to him to know I agree with him at least sometimes, as do a lot of friends and people I personally respect. However, I believe he is wrong in nearly every point he says here. Let me break it down for you.

"Enforcement without compassion is immoral."

Ethically, yes, I agree with this. I did not read the fuller context of this quote, but I think it's safe to assume he meant compassion in the way of Jesus, i.e, "love the sinner, hate the sin," "let he without sin cast the first stone," etc. Which I agree with, completely. However, there are ramifications of your trespasses (yes, I used that word intentionally), and while we can "feel bad" for the transgressor, there is still the dirty matter of the transgression to deal with, especially when it "hurts" others. This is true of anything. I say something meanspirited out of frustration to my wife, she can forgive me and understand I was frustrated; however, her feelings can still be hurt and we have to find a way to make things right (note: this scenario doesn't happen often. I'm a saint. Just take my word for it :)).

All that to say, this can be enforced with compassion. Let's say someone's found to be an illegal immigrant in Arizona, but they have a kid who was born here, and thus an American citizen, so they shouldn't be deported, it'll break up the family, on and on and on. Yes, that's a horrible situation. A strict reading and enforcement of the law says "Too bad. Your ass is out of here, the kid stays. Shoulda obeyed the law. Tough shit." You and I and your dog knows that when (not "if", "when") this scenario arises, there will be a way to address it, and I think it'll be safe to assume it'd be a way to address the violation of the law appropriately, while also trying to find a way to make things work. This part of legislation, as far as I have read, has not been drafted yet. Wait and see how that goes before jumping to conclusions about how it'll go - assumptions can be dangerous and usually misleading.

"Enforcement that breaks up families is unacceptable."

Again, the jumping to conclusions part. What's interesting to me, though, is something that I have not seen mentioned or thought about once by anyone yet. Illegal immigration actually helps support the breaking up of families of those immigrants. Yes, you read that right. Here's how:

The past two summers I have gone on a missions trip to Mexico and have gone to some pretty remote mountain villages which I couldn't even point to on a map. One startling thing in a lot of the villages: No males in the general 18 - 50something range. Well, okay, a few here and there, but there's lots of women, lots of kids, some old folks of both genders, but almost no men, at least without a readily apparent disability of some kind. I asked several townspeople about this, and they all basically said, "They have gone to the U.S. to make money. They used to send some back, now we don't get it too often." In fact, it's a pretty common story in these towns that a young man will grow up, hit his teens, have a kid or two by the time they're late teen, then they'll get up and go and never come back. It's reasonable to assume that at least a good amount of them came in illegally and pick crops and daylabor somewhere Some of the town women who shared this were moved to tears by their hurt and their longing to have back these men who they loved and meant much to them and men who could be father figures to their children. It's these families that get broken up. It is such a real and prevalent problem that the churchpeople in the villages asked those who worked with the children to implore them to stay with the families they were part of and would help to create. They're not as visible in our world, but they're just as real, and their pain is just as real if not more so. And perhaps with stronger enforcement of our country's laws, we could encourage more of them to stay and be the husbands and fathers that their families need.

"And enforcement of this law would force us to violate our Christian conscience, which we simply will not do. It makes it illegal to love your neighbor in Arizona."

I counter with a quote by this pretty famous Jewish rabbi .... his name is Jesus, and he kinda helped start this whole Christianity thing:

"Give to Caesar what is Caesar's, and to God what is God's." (Matthew 22:21b)

There's different ways to interpret this, I guess, but what I take is this: Obey the laws of your land, of the government God has set in place over you, unless it is clearly against the law and will of God. This isn't Nazi Germany we're talking about. We are talking about the enforcement of a law saying "those who are breaking the law are breaking the law." It does not ask us to hate or spit on those who are here illegally. It does not ask us to commit crimes against them. It does not ask us to, well, do or say or feel anything. And it doesn't say you cannot love or have compassion for illegal immigrants; it makes no move to legislate movements of the spirit and heart. It just says, if you're guilty of doing something wrong, you may be disciplined. And if it makes you feel better, unless you're a police officer or judge, you probably won't be enforcing it anyways.

I'm sure it'll be messy in Arizona for a while, but to be honest, I hope similar legislation passes elsewhere, as many states, even Pennsylvania, have illegal immigration issues. And I know there will be screw-ups along the way as it moves from legislation to implementation, but with patience and careful preparation, it can be successful. There are legitimate questions of profiling, no doubt, but again, let's see how things shake out before assuming anyone's fears and concerns become reality.

And I think I'll keep my driver's license on me at all times, in case the cops think I'm an off-the-boat Irish immigrant pursuing me lucky charms.


So today the Pirates lost .... 20-0. No, they didn't scrimmage the Steelers in two-hand touch. They went out as major-league team, on a major-league field, and took on a major-league opponent (Milwaukee Brewers) and not only didn't bother to score a run, they gave up TWENTY. This was their biggest loss in their entire history (I wouldn't say worst, cuz this one probably is: In their three game series against the Brewers, they gave up 36 runs and scored only 1, which makes the average game score 12 - 0.3333. Tough to do, folks.

I wish they were at least a somewhat better team, these Buccos. I've lost track of how many losing seasons in a row it's been, but it's getting kinda ridiculous. It doesn't matter much to me, born and raised a Phillies fan thanks to my Granny and many Saturdays at the Vet, but since I live here now I try and keep up on them and follow along with how they're doing.

But you know what? I'm glad they're a not-so-great team. A good part of me keeps hoping they'll keep on their losing ways. It sort of makes them more fun to follow for the pure joy of it - there's no stressing every standings every day from April through September. As a much bigger plus, PNC Park is one of my favorite ways to spend a nice summer night, and with them sucking so bad, there's always plenty of good, inexpensive seats available (unless, of course, it's a fireworks night, but plan ahead for those). You can get some of the best seats in the best park in baseball by spending $25, tops. Compare that to my planned purchase of Red Sox tickets at Fenway for a game this August .... $45 each for bleacher seats if I'm lucky at StubHub. If there's a good team in town, all the better too. And hey, if the Pirates actually get it together one of these years, it'll be fun to remember the crappy games lost by the likes of Salamon Torres and my favorite crappy player ever, Tike Redman. If that sounds crazy, remember: the Phillies are the losingest professional sports team ever, but things aren't looking so bad for them now.

Coming up .... Michael Jackson is still dead. Jerome Bettis' dad too.

Ugh, media. It's tough avoiding it around the 'burgh the past few weeks since Ben Roethlisberger's latest adventure, and today especially with the announcement of his suspension and whatnot. I want to pose a question: namely, what is he guilty of to deserve his suspension? He hasn't been charged with anything, much less found legally guilty of anything. No one knows what happened that night except Ben and his accuser (even that is questionable). For all we know it could have been consensual. That wouldn't make it morally right (as I don't believe in sex outside of the context of a comitted marriage) but legally speaking then, there would be no basis for legal accusations. From all indications, it has been thoroughly investigated by the law, who found no legal basis ("lack of probable cause") to charge, let alone convict him.

Anyways, I don't want to make a big debate about Ben vs. Right and Wrong. It's just that with his suspension, it sets a new precedent for professional sports: someone has been sanctioned and punished for wrongdoing that they have never been charged with legally. The NFL has a right to do so, I guess ... their league, whatever they want to do, whatever. But still I find it a curious decision, and I think it was reached because of the ever-emerging intense public interest in the personal lives of public figures fueled by media who are only too happy to deliver what they perceive as what the public wants.

I find this troubling. With the focus of celebrity and fame and privilege in the media, it is what the public consumes the most, while ignoring or skating past bigger, more important news. I would wager the average American knows more about Tiger Woods' sex life or whatever it is that Lindsey Lohan or Paris Hilton (whatever she is famous for) than about recent economic on-goings or healthcare debate and reform. And even the coverage of those current events are dumbed down to surface-level issues, without much of honest reporting and analysis of the issues. For example, every article about healthcare reform on boiled down to "Scott Brown won Ted Kennedy's old Senate seat so it's going to be harder for the Democrats to force their way. ." Yes, you can make the argument "Don't read CNN, use the BBC, use multiple sources of information, blahblahblah," which I agree with wholeheartedly. But the fact remains CNN is one of the most popular (if not THE most popular) and most easily accessible forms of media out there, and their homepages and telecasts either focus too intently on celebrity and fame, or ignore too much valuable information about issues that affect people's lives.

I think the reason behind this is it is easy. For the media, it's easy to report on and cover. I know this from personal experience in my journalism background. No, I never stalked Brad Pitt, but on 9/11, I was a staff writer with my college newspaper. My editor asked me to call up architectural experts to explain how the Twin Towers collapsed. Those were not easy questions to ask, and despite the emotionality attached to those questions in the hours after the attack, they were not the most pertinent for the day. It's hard to cover complex issues evenly and fairly without prejudice and to do so in a way accessible to the average reader. (Side note: As a journalist in training I was told to write on roughly a fourth grade level of comprehension. Yikes.) For the public, it's easy to read and digest and make safe conversation about at work and with friends and family. I too would rather talk about Roethlisberger with my co-workers than chat about politics or personal beliefs, because at the end of the day, the Roethlisberger discussion doesn't matter and there's no emotion involved for me. Also, it's just easier to digest and read about after a day of work and other commitments we all have. In a way it's more fun, too - given the choice between the sports page or whatver and national hotbutton issues, myself (as well as most people, i assume) would rather catch up on the latest about things that entertain us, instead of wading through murky waters of attempting to find reliable, unbiased, complete information. And so it goes ... we consume what the media gives us because the media gives it to us because its what we want, and there's no real momentum to change anything about it. In the case of Roethlisberger, it goes and goes and goes to the point where he's punished for, legally speaking, doing nothing wrong, but speaking public perceptionwise, is a jerk, a criminal, a piece of $&^%&. And who propagated that? The media. Why? It's what we would consume.

Run Fatboy Run

Finally springtime .... and finally warm enough to run again. Sandy and I started a training regime last June with the Couch-to-5k program (c25k if you're cool). First time we ran last June, it was run for a minute, walk for a minute, so on and so forth for twenty minutes. We both felt like we were going to die after that. By September, we both were able to complete the 5k Great Race. Then wedding planning and so forth consumed our lives for every spare moment. I think we ran only once or twice before celebrating our fourth day of marriage by doing the Turkey Trot togetheron Thanksgiving (which didn't go so great, though we finished that too). Then nothing til a few weeks ago.

Tonight was our longest run yet this season. I parked my car at Sandy's work and we both ran up Morewood to Ellsworth to Negley to Bryant to where she usually parks her car for the day (she takes the bus the rest of the way in to avoid ridiculous CMU parking prices). It was almost exactly 3 miles in all and we're guessing took a shade less than 40 minutes (hey I never said we were fast. I'm built more for comfort than for speed). We're still in the getting-back-into-shape stage so it was a run/walk mix. I personally was fairly beat by the end but felt great!

Sandy's running in the Pittsburgh Marathon next week as part of a relay team. She's hoping to do the East End leg, so if you're being a spectator, be sure to cheer her on! After that we're planning to both do the Race for the Cure on Mother's Day. After that ... well, who knows? Sandy has said she wants to train to do up to a 10k by the time the Great Race rolls around again. I'm not sold on the idea yet, but I do enjoy chasing her around, so just maybe.

Just loving the exercise and giving the ol' legs a great stretch after being stuck in a cubicle 10-plus hours a day.

this is where russ is going to blog everyday for a week. because i said so....and i'm the girl so what i say goes :0) bug him if he does not write, give him a suggestion on what to write about, do something to get this boy doing what he loves to do!